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Untreated Dry eye can Damage your Cornea

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Having dry eyes is not only uncomfortable but can cause long term damage to the front of your eye - the cornea.

Fortunately, there are successful in-office treatments for dry eye.

If you are experiencing a burning, dry, scratchy feeling, then you might have dry eye.

Luckily, dry eye is successfully treatable with in-office treatments.

To prevent the development of dry eye, try to avoid excessive exposure to smoke, wind, and air conditioning. You should also limit the amount of time you spend looking at a screen (and frequently blink when you do), drink plenty of water and get enough sleep.

The best way to diagnose and get to the root of your dry eye is to make an appointment with Oakbrook Optometry. We will assess your tears, and detect the cause for effective treatment.

Don't wait—schedule your dry eye exam today!